A cartoon character of a liver with a sad face.

Fatty Liver

So, all pain from the ultrasound that I discussed in the previous Blog did feel better in the morning, it still hurt but it was not as bad as the evening before. I still think the lady that did the ultrasound was having a bad day, but that is neither here nor there now. So I was working, keeping busy, just waiting on these results. I was so anxious, I do not really know why other than I kept thinking about my poor Mom. I was of course Googling stuff that I had no business Googling. I may have said this before but I highly suggest that if at all possible you do not try and diagnose yourself via the internet. I mean you are going to have some far fetch stuff if you do. Do not get me wrong, I was that person, Web MD here I come! It was always something bad, like rather than a common cold you COULD have pneumonia in both lungs and will need oxygen, I mean really?! I try hard these days not to go on the internet for medical diagnosing, I get so stressed out, I will still catch myself doing it, and have to pry my hands to get off and stop reading that mess! At any rate several days went by and I had not heard from the doctor, I told myself that I would give it through the weekend and if I had not heard anything I would call them Monday, needless to say it was a long weekend as i did not hear anything that week. Monday, mid-day my phone rang and it was the Oncologist office, I answered immediately. She told me who she was, like I did not know! She went on to say that my abdomen looked fine, however I did in fact have a fatty liver. I went into freak out mode, why you ask? I have no clue because I did not even know what that meant but when doctors say anything other than good news, or it looks good, my mind quickly goes to freak out mode! She started explaining the fatty liver, it was not Cirrhosis of the liver (that was my initial thought!) She felt this could be controlled and reversed with a good diet plan (now I was fat, this call kept getting better!) She wanted to set me up with the Nutritionist in the office to help me get a plan in place. When I heard the words controlled and reversed, the Nutritionist sounded great to me, the sooner the better. I was ready to do what was needed to get this thing under control and get these numbers where they needed to be! It is so amazing how sometimes it takes scary things to get you motivated, but so be it. She was going to set the call up and I should hear from the Nutritionist within the week. 

When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!