Fry from Futurama squinting.

The Waiting Game!

I made it to my appointment for the ultrasound of my Liver and Abdomen, I was so nervous. I really do not know why I was so nervous, it was just the actual ultrasound, it is not like I was getting the results today but still lots of nerves. I get to the appointment, and I know you will be shocked but there was paperwork for me to complete, big surprise, right?! I mean when she handed me the papers and I sat down and looked at them, I really thought are you freaking kidding me, I have been coming to the same doctors, the same hospitals by now you would think they would know everything about me, however they wanted me to fill out more paperwork, so of course I did. They finally call me back, it took a while for them to get me and as I looked around the waiting room, I honestly realized how fortunate I was. There were some really sick people there, at least you assume they were sick, some with oxygen tanks, some with tubes in them, and these people were not older, most were my age or younger, cancer and sickness in general does not discriminate, it can happen to anyone at any given time. I really took it all in, I felt so thankful and blessed. When I got to the back, there was a lady, she introduced herself and told me she would be doing the ultrasound. She started the ultrasound and I thought I may come off the table, it hurt! She was mashing so hard, I mean I assumed to get the images she needed but geez I was in agony. I was not expecting that, I figured it would be smooth sailing, it was just an ultrasound. When she finally got done, it took about 30 minutes, I thought to myself praise the lord. I knew that by morning I would be bruised from how hard she mashed on me. She sent me on my way, I guess to get ready for her next victim. I was told I would hear from my doctor with the results. Later that evening, I was honestly hurting so bad from the ultrasound, Mike thought we needed to go to the ER, I did not want to go in fear of them doing it all again. I was going to take some Ibuprofen and pray this felt better in the morning! 

When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!