All is Well..
I had mentioned previously that I was certain my nipple was going to fall off, I made an appointment with the doctor to have it checked it out. I get to the appointment, they take me back (rather quickly so that was a bonus!) Anyway, she comes in and asks the issue, I tell her and per usual she wants to see what I am talking about (I mean why not everyone else had seen my boobs at this point) She takes a look, tells me all is well, it is normal, sometimes it happens and it will go back to being somewhat normal after treatment. Well alright then, I guess if it was “normal” during treatment I could live with a black nipple (so gross!)
Treatment continues, skin still changing but since I was told it was all “normal” I just kept on trucking. Honestly I could continue to speak on the radiation treatment but as I have already said it was literally the same thing every single day, it was like groundhog day. I will say this, at the treatments you normally would see the same people day in, day out because everyone had their designated time for radiation. While it may seem like they get on your nerves at times, they become some of your closest friends, you share things with them that you never would expect to share with a stranger. Really hold on to what they say to you, later when things are happening in your life you just may think back to something off the wall that one of them said and be like, oh wow they were so right (crazy back then but now you get it 100%) People have different views, different cancer, different treatments or it may be that the views, cancer and treatments are all the same but the way your body responds to it (the treatment) is not like anyone else, so embrace what your new friends say to you, just my two cents but in my life personally these people did help me. These new found friends were there to listen to me be happy, sad, mad all the things and they were there to celebrate that very last treatment with me. Gosh, I remember being so very excited when someone would be done with their treatment, we all celebrated it with them, I mean lets face it, it is a very big deal to say, I did this, I went through this, my body will never be the same but I did the entire treatment and I am DONE!
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!