Wake Up
The first thing I hear, wake up, Tracie can you hear me? Wake up, and those might not have been in that order as those were the words I was hearing as I come out of anesthesia. I was so sleepy, I could barely open my eyes, I just needed to sleep, but this lady really wanted me to get up. I looked up, I specifically remember asking her if they got the cancer, she said I would have to speak with the doctor, what the heck? I wanted answers! Where was Mike? Why was he not here? I had a sip of water and ask her to get Mike, she said he was not going to be coming back there because it was a “women`s suite” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I wanted my husband and I started to cry, she was trying to comfort me but good grief I mean when you wake up after surgery lets be real, you want your people! Not strangers, I could care less of they were nurses, I wanted Mike! She went on to tell me about the bandages, blah, blah, blah was what I was hearing. Surely this crazy lady did not think I was going to remember a thing she was saying, I can assure you I was not. I started to think about the whole day, everything that happened, what was to come, all of it. You guys when I got there that morning for surgery, I thought ok, they are going to take me back, I will see the doctors and such and have my surgery, that is what typically happens after all. With this particular surgery, when they took me back, I went to an X-Ray room, had wires inserted in my boob, they numbed it but hello, did not know that was going to happen. Those wires were hanging out of me until I went in the operating room, I am assuming they were pulled out while I was in surgery, they were not there when I woke up. I back tracked a little to tell you about the wires (by the way it took a while to get them right), that was totally crazy, some things you learn the day of surgery apparently! Anyway, I sat up in the bed in the stupid recovery room, I was ready to go home, I was upset, again just all the emotions. It was when I sat up that I realized something was on my chest, I looked down, it was an ace bandage tied around me several times, again did not know that was going to happen. I was like well this is attractive, the nurse was like you must leave that on, do not mess with it, it was explained to your husband (who I still wanted to see and had not!) I got dressed the best I could, at this point I did not care if I went home naked, I just wanted to go home (just kidding about the naked part, that would have scared everyone!) I was put in a wheelchair, and wheeled out to the car, Mike was there waiting for me, he had apparently been told to go get the car and come around front. The lovely lady helped me get in the car, she gave me a pillow to use for the seat belt so that I did not hurt. I do remember being very uncomfortable, I had questions for Mike (I knew he had talked to the doctor) but I think I was asleep before we even left the hospital parking lot, I do not even remember the ride home.Â
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!