Fridays appointment was here, I simply cannot tell you a lot about the days in between, my mind was a mess. When I had got home the day of talking to the doctor, I cried all day. I was nervous, anxious, sick just everything bottled into one. I just kinda kept to myself, stayed quiet, because lets face it after being told you have cancer, there is no right or wrong way to act or feel. My sister went to Fridays appointment with Mike and I, she was afraid we may miss valuable information (very possible!) We stopped for breakfast on the way, I ordered but ate nothing, I was sick to my stomach and obviously scared. We get there and I go back, once ready and in a room, Mike and my sister were brought back. The doctor came in, she told us all the results again (thank goodness as previously mentioned I had sorta tuned her out after the whole you have cancer sentence) we all sat quietly while she spoke. My husband was the first to speak, he ask what stage, she tells us it is stage 2 and they do not think it is aggressive, well that`s not all bad I suppose, she continues on telling us what kind it is and things of that nature (again I am trying to listen but mostly tuned her out) I did not tune her out on purpose, I was still taking all of this in, letting it soak up like a wet sponge. I do remember asking what the plan was, she told me that I could have a mastectomy, double mastectomy or a lumpectomy, HELLO that is a lot of information and really long words! Mike and I had talked about this prior to the appointment, he ultimately left the decision up to me and would support whatever I wanted to do. I ask her what procedure would give me surgery the quickest, I know that is weird but I wanted the cancer out of me! I needed the cancer out of me! She said a lumpectomy would be the quickest appointment, so that was a no-brainer for me, immediately I told her I wanted the lumpectomy! She did go on to say a bunch of stuff about seeing an oncologist, radiation doctor, my goodness who knew so many doctors were involved when it came to cancer! I was willing to do anything she told me was necessary. She left the room to get my appointment set up and I was at peace for once in several days, I had made a decision and the cancer would be out of my body soon!
When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!