We were ready! I had cried, yelled, been pissed, just all the emotions. Mike had been calm, kept doing his normal things, it was nuts. I was like is he going have a moment? I mean I had a few moments when they told me I had cancer. He had just been normal, nothing out of the ordinary. I thought that I must be having my emotions as well as his, I mean he was honestly fine. He was ready for whatever came our way. He wanted to get to the appointments and see what was going to happen, what he was going to go through, how long it would take, those were his concerns. Never did he get down, mad or anything about the actual cancer diagnosis, this far he had been fine. Quiet honestly he was amazing me with his calmness. I called and was able to get appointments with both the Oncologist and Radiologist. The appointments were within a week of each other, thank goodness. We were on the road to treatment and ready to take action!
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!