Port Day
We had finally got through the Radiologist appointment, we were in the process of letting the mask “set.” Mike was ready to have the port placed for his chemo. We got to the appointment, I went in with him but once he was called back I had to go to the car and wait for them to call me to tell he was done. Now, this was during Covid so they had all their STUPID RULES in place! I mean you get to walk through the hospital, to the surgery area, stay until their name is called, then go to your car. How damn stupid was this?? I had already walked all the way through the hospital but then had to walk back to my car (again walking through the hospital!) I mean hello, the germs were there people, you are allowing folks to walk all the way to the surgery area then back to their car, made no sense at all to me, IDIOTS! Anyway, they called his name, he went on back, I walked to the car to wait. He had his phone so that he could keep me posted. He was not put to sleep, he was given some happy medicine but not put all the way out (thank goodness!) We texted back and forth through him waiting to go back and have the port placed. He finally told me that he was going back, it not take long at all, I heard from him that he was done. The nurse actually got me back there, again walking through the damn hospital (I am still bitter about that process) anyway he was laying there having some juice and crackers, he was good. The nurse talked to us about what to expect, it was really not much, just watching for fever and infection the first 24 hours. We were finally released. We got home, he rested the remainder of the day, he was not really hurting, it was sore and felt strange. I mean to have a foreign object under your skin was just weird but he was fine. The next day he was still a little sore which was to be expected and said it felt weird having something there, it looked like a half dollar size object right under his skin. We were still waiting to hear from radiation with the mask but were hoping it would be the next week to get the treatments going.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!
Bob had a port as well. It really helped with chemo as well as infusions, transfusions and blood draws for labs. He has it for the better art of two years. I even had to give him fluids and meds through it at home. So thankful God saw us through this. I know you and Mike are happy to close this chapter as well.
So glad y’all are through it, we are definitely glad and blessed to be done. The port was helpful, I also had to give fluids through it, thought they wanted me to become a nurse.. LOL