At this point we are still in the Emergency Room, Mike is getting fluids due to being beyond dehydrated. As I had mentioned the doctor that was caring for Mike had let me back there to stay with him. He was doing well considering, the fluids were helping him quite a bit. The nurse that was taking care of him was very nice, she seemed to really care what he was going through and helped him as much as possible. The doctor finally came in mid morning and said he was being released, the fluids had helped and there was really no reason as far as being to admit him, meaning there was no pneumonia or anything like that. We were taken to another area where they released us to go home. While that sounds great, we actually had an appointment that morning with the Oncologist. It was well after 6:00am by the time we got out of the ER and our normal Friday appointment with Oncology was at 9am, we decided it was stupid to go all the way home, the Oncologist was in the same hospital we were at. By the time we got home, we would have to turn around and come back so we decided to move the truck to the side of the hospital the Oncologist was at, and we took a nap in the truck until time for the Oncology appointment. At this point honestly Mike was having a hard time just walking, he was so dang weak. It was time to head into the doctors appointment, I tried to get a wheelchair for Mike but he was not having it, so we started walking at a turtles pace to the Oncologist. When we got back to the room for the Oncology visit, they sent the Physicians Assistant in for the visit. After seeing what had transpired the evening before and just looking at Mike, she went to get the doctor to come in the room. He took one look at Mike and said I am going to admit you at least through Monday, you need more fluids, some good pain meds, rest and I need you eating something. Now, Mike was suppose to get chemo this day also but the doctor informed us that he was not going to do the chemo because he felt Mike was way to weak, it was the last dose and he said that one dose of this particular chemo was not going to make or break the outcome of the treatment plan. He was done with chemo, he would continue his radiation after he was released because he still had a week and a half left of radiation and we were told it had to be completed. Mike did not want to be admitted, he wanted to come home but that was not happening, we were doing whatever the doctor said needed to be done.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!