Every Little Thing…
I was still having my appointments with my Oncologist every 3 months to check things out, especially get blood work done. What I did not realize was Tamoxifen processes through your Liver and can damage your Liver. With talking with my doctor and finding this out, I can not begin to tell you the amount of stress and anxiety that gave me. We lost my Mama in 2016 to stage 4 Non Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver, she had been on a medication for her heart for several years that apparently processed through her Liver and she was not getting blood work like she should have been as we had no idea that this was the case. So, when my doctor begin talking to me about this I was scared, I mean hello, I had seen my Mama and it was not pleasant to say the least. At one of my visits I learned the reason that she was talking so in depth about this was my Liver enzymes were raised in my blood work, she was going to send me for an ultrasound. What was happening, was my first thought, my second was the cancer is back! I cannot even tell you how many times that my thought has been its cancer, it NEVER stops, to this day, no matter what happens or how I am feeling my thought always goes to the same place, its a dark hollow place that is always with me and it stinks. I am trying to get better about it, and not let my mind go there but it is hard, I mean after being told those horrible words of “you have cancer” your mind automatically goes there Every.Single.Time! I left this appointment with an appointment the next week for a liver/abdomen ultrasound to check things out. This was going to be another long week of waiting for that appointment but what can you do, wait, and that is just what I did!
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!