Go Time!
Happy New Year friends! Hope everyone had a good one. Our nephew got married so we spent New Years Eve at a wedding with family and friends, so much fun! I hope that 2023 treats everyone well..
Now, its the big day! The one I have been waiting on, I am FINALLY starting radiation, sounds so odd to be that excited about radiation but I was ready. I get there, I go alone because honestly there was no reason for anyone to go, nobody could actually go back there with me, I was able to drive myself, so hey lets just get this done! I get there, I did not have to actually check in, with radiation there was no check in process, you go through the front door, tell them your name (they know you after a couple of days) and walk through another door to your “spot” Ladies on one side, men on the other. You change from the waist up into a gown, have a seat and they come and get you when its your turn. It was like a factory, nothing but people getting radiation one after another. Sitting in the little waiting area, I was a little nervous about what was about to happen. When the nurse came and got me, she was very nice, walked me back, explained again what was going to happen and how loud the machine would be. You are not allowed to move at all, you have to be totally still, you only want that radiation hitting where it is supposed to, if you move, you start over. I get on the table, take the gown off, yep there you lay with boobs hanging out for all to see, hey why not, I mean at this point everyone has seen them, at least it feels that way. She told me that she was going to set the machine and she would go behind the glass window, we could hear each other and of course she could see me, no one can stay in the actual room obviously because they are giving radiation. She set everything up, walked out, told me to give her a thumbs up if I could hear her, which I did and she told me she was starting the machine, do not move! I was so still, I was even afraid to breathe, I did not want to mess anything up. The whole process takes about 15 minutes, from set up to the end, crazy how little time it takes for something that does so much damage. Things are going along fine, I mean I assumed they were, I was not moving which was really my only instruction. All the sudden the loudest noise happens, I thought it was part of the machine process but then I hear, roll over and sit up, the machine stops all the sudden and the nurse was in there in no time, getting me out of the room. The damn fire alarm went off, are you kidding me?? Yep, it was the fire alarm, they told me that it happened often and most of the time they just continue, this time they stopped because the red light appeared on the alarm (whatever that meant.) Everything was fine, there was no fire, we get back inside and yep, because of that I had to start the process over! First experience getting radiation was eventful to say the least.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!