Radiation was over, my skin was healing. It was a long road for that to happen, its not like when you get a sunburn outside and a few days later all is well, not like that at all. I mean if you think about it, its like you are being burned from the inside out, sounds horrible (and it is) but its true. Radiation is no joke and leaves short and long term side effects. A few weeks after radiation I started to notice I was having a lot of shoulder pain, like I was having a hard time moving my arm up and down. Of course I am thinking the worse, as usual. I make an appointment to go in and see if this was part of the healing. At the appointment the doctor informed me that this was a short or long term side effect of the radiation, she did not know if it would go away quickly or always feel that way, she gave me some exercises to try for a few weeks to see if they would help. I would try anything to get some relief. I did start the exercises, I could tell a little difference but not much, I was determined to keep doing them. I had already made an appointment with the Oncologist because now it was time to start the pill I would be taking for the next 10 years, yes 10 years! Geez, such a long time but you do what you gotta do. I went to the appointment, went over everything with her, it was mostly side effects of the pill I could experience, there were only a million side effects, good grief! They took a bunch of blood, they wanted a good base starting point with bloodwork because that would be checked every four months until further notice. She reviewed all the radiation results as well, all was good with that. I was not getting a scan for 4 months after the radiation, it is still doing its job and I was told that you did not want to scan to early in case you got a false result, nope I did not want a false result for sure. I did not like waiting but I wanted everything to be 100% so waiting it was! I left that appointment with a prescription for my new medicine that I would be on for the next 10 years. Tamoxifen here I come!!
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!