Life Sucks
That one phrase Life Sucks for sure sums of our lives at this point. Yes, we were thankful, blessed, we knew that it could be worse but my goodness, it was BAD! I have never in my life seen a treatment so harsh, don`t get me wrong, I am sure there are harder things to watch, its just that I personally had not seen anything as harsh as what I was seeing my husband go through. Mike had lost so much weight, he was basically to the point of losing an entire human. He was raw, his throat and mouth were horrific, it was truly sad. His neck on the outside was losing all skin, we were still having to cut his shirts so that nothing touched his neck. He was still carrying the water bottle everywhere to squirt his mouth when needed, I will say this was a life saver. He was not eating, he was not even trying to eat at this point. Now, what I did not know was, I would make him things to eat, really soft, light things that were suggested, he would take them from me but little did I know he was feeding the food to the dogs. Nope, I was clueless I was thinking he was trying to eat but later he confessed, which would make sense as to why he continued to lose weight, but at that time I did not put it all together. So yep, to say the least life was sucking. He tried to be a trooper but it was getting harder, he was getting weaker. He would still try and work (from home of course, he was not driving anywhere anymore) but even that just to hard because nobody other than myself could understand what he was saying. He was getting dehydrated more often, he would get fluids but they just did not last long. He was sleeping more often than he was awake. I would take the time that he was asleep to just cry, beg, pray and plead with God to make this stop and make him well.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!