More Results
It seems like when you have cancer, you spend a crazy amount of time waiting for results! Nothing is the same day, the next day or in some cases even the next week. This is nuts to me because cancer is a dreaded word that no one wants to hear so it seems like they would have like a time sensitive nature or something, a red flag, anything to make the results quicker, maybe one day that will happen. Anyway, my results from the surgery were finally back, she calls and says they have the results, as always my stomach drops, I start sweating and so on, she says we did not get the cancer enough beyond the margins, its more aggressive than we originally thought, I am going to have to go back in. Hold up, your what?? I am about to literally get sick at this point, within those few minutes you have no idea what has managed to go through my mind, the cancer has spread everywhere, I need a double mastectomy, how much is this going to cost (yep, that thought was there also!) I just cannot tell you the things you (at least me) think of while these doctors are talking. I ask her when she was wanting to go back in, I am still thinking about the service out of town for my father in law, she says I really do not want to wait, I need to do this early next week, it is aggressive and I do not want to take any chances, hell no, I do not want to take any chances either. We actually set the surgery up during the conversation, I get off the phone with the doctor and immediately call Mike to let him know. Of course he does not even hesitate, whatever they have to do was his response. He was ready to cancel all flights, hotel rooms and everything for his own fathers service, of course there was no way I was letting him do that! I let my sister know and of course she was willing to take me, she also did not even hesitate, even though we had to be there at 6:30am! That meant leaving the house at 5:30am but she was ready and willing! When Mike got home that evening we started talking, I told him my sister was going to take me, he still wanted to cancel the trip but that was not happening. We finally decided (I had already decided) that him and Harrison would take the trip with family and I would stay back for another surgery. He knew I would be in good hands and my sister would keep him in the loop with everything. We got my part of the trip cancelled that evening. It was a very long night for me, my thoughts got away from me and not in a good way, thank goodness Mike was there to bring me back to reality and just let me know everything was going to be ok.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!