So, another week or so of waiting, nothing out of the ordinary at this point. Seriously though while I was waiting for all of these results, I felt like cancer was growing inside me, like everywhere. I guess because technically other than testing was being done, I felt like it was spreading, taking over, I mean after all here I was waiting on more test results. My life had turned into a waiting game, totally crazy but very true. I was in a state of waiting and going crazy in the process. My mind was consumed with nothing but cancer, thinking did they get it, are they sure, is it still in me, is it in my cells in my body, every thought imaginable I can assure you I was having. I had not felt just calm and relaxed in a hot minute. I was ready to get the party started, no matter what kind of party it ended up being, I was simply ready to start the rest of the journey. We went back the next week for the blood test results and to see the next steps. When we got there, it was busy of course. We had a bit of a wait and were finally called back, actually I was called back and they told Mike they would get him when I got in a room. Hold up, if I was not going to a room where was I going? I went to a side area they have set up like a little lab, they draw blood and have someone who reads your results back there, weigh you, blood pressure, things like that. They wanted to take more blood, I have no idea why, they had taken all of it I thought at the last visit. The nurse did her thing and I was put in a room, Mike came in shortly afterwards. The doctor came in, she said my blood work had came back, and it did not appear that I would need chemo, me being me said, appears I do not need it or I do not need it? To me, those were two very different things. She said you will not need chemo, I started breathing, I believe I was holding my breath like I had been doing at most doctor appointments. Of course I was overjoyed with that news, my numbers from the specific test regarding the chemo were extremely low so I would only need radiation. She was talking, I was half listening to her, I was still absorbing the one piece of good news I had gotten and my stress level was slightly going down, which was wonderful considering my stress level had been through the roof. She went on to say that she wanted me to do one more test, it was genetic testing, to rule out things when it came to cancer, she explained that it could help Harrison in the future, if I chose to do the testing. That is all that she had to say was that it could help Harrison, sign me up, I did not even care what it was, there was no question I was doing it. Another appointment was in my near future with yet another doctor.
When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!