We got the call that the mask was ready and it was time to start radiation! Goodness, finally we were starting the treatment. I mean this had been a process, if you have taken the time to read this far, you can understand what I mean when I say this had been a process! Mike was ready, I was ready, we were going to take this on and get started. He would have radiation everyday and chemo was going to be on Fridays, we had radiation in the afternoons Monday through Thursday then early in the morning on Friday because right after radiation on Friday we had to rush to get to chemo as it was about 45 minutes away. The chemo was going to be an all day ordeal, his chemo treatment would last roughly 6 hours! When they told us that I was surprised, I guess I did not know what to expect but I suppose I was not thinking we would be there all day, anyway that was the plan. So, we get to the radiation appointment, they call Mike back, I waited in the waiting room while he went back for his treatment. I thought it was taking a long time, I just assumed there were people before him so he was waiting. At this particular radiation facility, you walk in the office, then through a door and you sit in the waiting room in the back and wait your turn for the machine. They have a waiting room for men and women, its actually really nice, Anyway, a nurse came and called my name, I knew that was odd, I got up and went over to her and she ushered me to the back. Mike had not had his treatment, he was not able to stand being in the machine, it was just to much for him with the mask and the machine, he felt constricted as they had his shoulders kind of tied down also, it was to much for him. They were going to have to prescribe something to help him and we would have to come back. Although we thought we were starting the treatment, yeah, not so much. We left with a prescription and another appointment.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!