When I got back to the hospital Mike was awake. The doctor had come in while I was gone, he did not say much, just wanted Mike to keep trying to eat, gain strength and get rest. I gave the 2 vanilla milkshakes I had gotten for Mike to the nurse and she put them in the freezer for me. He was going to attempt to drink one later that day. He was watching some TV when I got back, he wanted to take a shower. I got all of his things ready for the shower and we got that taken care of, he felt a lot better but it totally wiped him out. He fell back asleep and I made some phone calls. He woke a little while later and wanted to walk around. We walked to the elevator (it was a piece down the hall) and back to his room. He had more strength than I had seen him have in months, it was really refreshing to see. He got exhausted super quick, but he had not done this much walking in a while. He wanted to attempt to drink the milkshake, the nurse brought one in, he took one sip and started to cough. Obviously, it was really cold, we told him to take it slow, he tried really hard but it was burning his throat, sounds crazy since milkshakes are cold but his mouth and throat were totally raw so the burning was awful for him. He did however want another honey bun, so downstairs we went. I was letting him have whatever he wanted, just to see him eat and drink a little was so great. I think I mentioned it but at this point he had lost roughly 95 pounds. That is like losing a person in your body weight!! He ate his honey bun, we were going to chill and watch a movie and he would try some milkshake the next day.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!