Harrison and myself get to the doctor, we went to the Dermatologist. I get all the paperwork filled out and we were finally called back. The nurse comes in, she is looking at Harrisons hair where it was falling out, she was asking him questions like was he stressed out? Was he unhappy? Was something bothering him? Things like that, and of course he was responding with “no” to all the questions being asked. She goes out, the doctor comes in shortly after and she is also looking at his hair, running her fingers through it, she starts asking the same questions and again he is responding “no” to everything. She then looks at me, she is asking me questions about him, I start going into all the loss that he has endured, moving, changing schools things like that. She just looks at me, then at him and says “Harrison you are totally stressed out” not to mention that not only did we go through losses but the kids also had to have school at home during Covid so there was no “friend” interaction, that was also tough for him. She brought the school thing up while we were there and told us she had seen several cases of this with kids, just due to the stress and changes that happened with everyones lives during Covid. She diagnosed him with Alopecia, there is no “cure” for it but you can control it. She suggested since it was not terribly bad at this point that he get some injections to restart the hair follicles. I looked at Harrison, he asked her where she would give him the injections, and of course they would go right into his head, into the thinning spots. I left it completely up to him, I would have never forced him to do that. He wanted to do it, so we were going for it. She went out, got the nurse, they got everything ready. I walked over to him, held his hand and she started, he got if I remember correctly 5 injections this first time. He was a true champ, I could have never done it! She was so shocked at how well he did, she said adults cannot even handle two of the injections into the head and here he was getting 5! I was of course crying, it hurt me so much to watch him go through that, but like I said he was a champ! We also got a prescription to send off for, it was a topical that would be rubbed in his hair daily to help the follicles open up. We left there and went straight to Chick Fil A for lunch and ice cream, he deserved that and more.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!