Surgery Take 2
So, Mike and Harrison get off to Washington for the services for Mikes Dad, I am preparing (as best as you can) to have a second surgery. The doctor had already told me that the cancer was aggressive so I definitely wanted this crap out of me, I was ready to do whatever needed to be done. My sister was taking me, we left early, you never know with traffic and we already had to be there early. We got there (again) signed in, took our seats. They called me back to get me ready, this time I did not have to go through the wires hanging out of me, she was actually going into the same incision she had just made for the first surgery (I was not sure if that was good, bad but I was ready.) As always the nurses were great, just super nice. I got ready and they allowed my sister to sit with me until it was “go time” it was funny because I would have thought with a second surgery my nerves would have taken over but I was actually ok, I mean nervous of course, but pretty calm. The doctor came and talked to me to let me know what she was going to be doing and hoping to accomplish (I was like there is no hoping you better do what is needed) and I was wheeled back to start. Waking up was really the same type of questions, pain levels and such. I could not help but notice when I woke up I had the damn ace bandage again (I had graduated out of it) all wrapped around me, oh joy! I remember getting upset when waking up, they had let my sister come back (she was a woman so I suppose that is why) anyway apparently I was upset because I thought I had missed putting up the Christmas tree (it was nowhere around Christmas) I have no clue why I thought that, but after the first surgery I had insisted that there were ducks in the Operating room with me (I know how that sounds!) Oddly enough my sister mentioned that at my second surgery and they informed her that one of the nurses had her ring tone set as a duck (Ha! I was not crazy, I knew I heard ducks!) it was pretty funny to learn about that, because everyone thought I was nuts. Surgery went fine, I of course had to wait to hear back from the doctor to make sure the margins were all clear. I vaguely remember talking to Mike and Harrison that day (he had been speaking with my sister.) Now once again, I am waiting on results (there really has to be a better/faster way!) I get that a week is not that long but in “cancer time” it seems like a lifetime!
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!