A yellow cartoon character is looking up with joy.

Things Are Looking Up!

I had been on the Tamoxifen for weeks at this point. I was going to my Oncologist regularly for blood work, the medicine can do so much to your body! I mean you really have to ask yourself, is the medicine worth the side effects? At the end of the day, yep, it is worth it, that is my feeling, you need the medicine to keep on keeping on.. I want you all to know that while I talk about having a good attitude when it comes to cancer is half the battle, I do truly believe that, however, allow yourself to have the bad moments also. I mean it is not like you can be “Positive Patty” all the time, you are going to get down, feel stressed, be overwhelmed and those are all normal things to feel and perfectly fine to feel. If you have ever went through cancer, or are going through cancer and never had a “Debbie Downer” moment I may think you are nuts, but the key word is “moment” You cannot allow yourself to stay there, you have to have the scream, the yell, the cry whatever it is you need and then pick yourself up and keep battling! Finally, things were looking up for me, like I said I had been on the Tamoxifen for weeks, my side effects seemed to be getting a little better, not gone, but getting a little better, hey I will take getting better as opposed to what I was going through. I was glad to just get up and be like, wow, my head is not about to explode, that was a big deal to me! There were still things going on, I mean my headaches were less often but still there, I was tired, my legs hurt (that was a weird one) I was gaining weight, things like that but definitely getting some better, so I was excited about that. When going through cancer, the treatment, the after effects whatever the case may be, when you are having a decent day, that is a victory! 

When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!