Wait, What??
We were still waiting on the results it had been several days. We were of course getting anxious and wanting to hear something. We had called the ENT`s office several times as that is where the results were being sent. They kept telling us the results were not back, they were hoping to have them back the next day. This pattern continued for another few days. Finally we got a call from the ENT, the hospital could not determine anything from the sample and they wanted to send the sample to the Mayo clinic. What in the world was happening?! The Mayo clinic, that was serious. I was scared at this point. Now, the ENT was convinced this was cancer, I was still trying to have faith of the possibility that it was an infection and some antibiotics could fix him right up. Now, we were going to have to wait even longer for the results from the Mayo clinic. What was happening??
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!