Wait, What??
Hello everyone! I have been MIA for a minute again, baseball has been keeping us busy. We are literally at a ball field everyday of the week right this minute, I love watching him play and one day I will miss it, so I try not to complain!
When I left off, we were waiting on the ENT to find a doctor to do the biopsy surgery for Mike. It seems like it took forever, it was really quicker than I thought it would be considering how long everything was taking and just the craziness we were dealing with. We get a call that he found a doctor that felt 100% comfortable that he could do the surgery and get what was needed. This was a relief to both of us, we were ready to get things rolling. We were waiting on a call from the hospital to see when we could get in for surgery. Now, we had never met this doctor but because Mike loved the ENT and was still insisting on using him, we were putting all our trust into this man. I was a little nervous but I also did not want to keep waiting to get something done.
When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade or Margaritas, whichever suits your fancy!